
Will Joe Biden Pardon Hunter Biden Before the Next Presidential Inauguration?

Will Joe Biden Pardon Hunter Biden Before the Next Presidential Inauguration?

The question of whether President Joe Biden will pardon his son, Hunter Biden, before leaving office in January 2025 has intensified in recent months. Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to tax evasion charges in September 2024, spurring debate over whether the president will issue a preemptive pardon. While Biden has stated he does not intend to pardon his son, some political analysts believe the outgoing president has nothing left to lose and will grant clemency to Hunter before the next inauguration.

Biden’s Stated Opposition to a Pardon

President Biden has repeatedly said he will not pardon Hunter. When asked directly in September 2024 if he would pardon his son after the guilty plea, Biden definitively stated, “I am not going to do anything. I will abide by the jury’s decision.” The White House has maintained this stance, with Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre reiterating in late 2024 that Biden’s position is still “no” on a pardon.

Biden has expressed concern that pardoning Hunter could undermine the perception that his son’s trial was fair. He has also vowed not to interfere with the legal process regarding Hunter. While maintaining his fatherly support for Hunter, Biden has been firm that he will take no action to commute his son’s sentence.

Analysts Believe Biden Could Still Pardon

Despite Biden’s assurances, many political analysts remain skeptical that he will allow his son to serve prison time. Some, like former Washington, D.C. Democratic Party chairman A. Scott Bolden, believe Biden has nothing left to lose politically at the end of his term. As a lame duck president not seeking reelection, Biden could pardon Hunter in his final weeks in office without electoral consequences.

Others note that even if Biden himself does not pardon Hunter, the next president still could. Vice President Kamala Harris is considered likely to pardon Hunter early in her potential administration to turn the page on the matter. But analysts like former Trump administration deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley contend Biden has the opportunity to pardon Hunter just after the 2024 election in the transition period before the inauguration. This would avoid creating any complications for Harris’ campaign while still shielding Hunter from serving time.

Do you agree that Biden could still pardon Hunter despite denying it every time he is asked? is offering odds of 3/1 and a percentage chance of 33.30% that he will.

Weighing a Pardon’s Impact

In deciding whether to pardon Hunter, Biden has to weigh several factors. A pardon could ease the burden on himself and his family heading into his post-presidency. But it risks being viewed as an abuse of power to protect his son. Biden may be concerned about letting Hunter avoid the consequences of his actions. Politically, Biden has to consider whether a pardon could damage Harris’ chances if she is the 2024 Democratic nominee.

Ultimately, many feel that as a loving father, Biden will find it very difficult to send Hunter to prison when he has the power to prevent it. They expect paternal instinct to override political calculations. However, Biden’s sense of ethics and propriety may lead him to avoid interference regardless of the circumstances.

Despite President Biden’s assurances that he will not pardon Hunter, many analysts expect him to do so before leaving office. However, weighing the personal, ethical, and political implications complicates the decision. Biden may feel pulled between his paternal instincts to protect Hunter and his respect for the legal process. But with nothing left to lose politically, Biden could decide granting clemency is a father’s prerogative. The nation will be watching in his final weeks as president to see if this prediction comes true.