
Will Either Donald Trump or Laura Loomer Have a Relationship Claim by the End of 2024?

Will Either Donald Trump or Laura Loomer Have a Relationship Claim by the End of 2024?

Far-right activist Laura Loomer has been spending an increasing amount of time with former president Donald Trump recently, leading some to speculate whether the two could be in a relationship by the end of 2024.

Loomer accompanied Trump on his private plane to the presidential debate in Philadelphia on September 10. She was also by his side at 9/11 memorial events this week, despite her history of promoting conspiracy theories that the 9/11 attacks were an “inside job.”

A Vocal Trump Supporter

The controversial pundit has long been a vocal supporter of Trump, even running for Congress in 2020 with his endorsement. But her standing with him seems to have grown substantially in recent months. At rallies this year, Trump has praised Loomer as a “very important person” and a “woman with courage.”

Backlash from Trump Allies

Trump allies are now voicing concerns that Loomer’s incendiary rhetoric and proximity to the former president could damage his chances in the 2024 election. After Loomer made racist remarks about vice president Kamala Harris on social media this week, Trump supporters like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Sen. Lindsey Graham condemned the comments and urged Trump to distance himself from Loomer.

They warn that Loomer’s conspiratorial and often racist statements could hurt Trump with key voter blocs in swing states like Georgia and North Carolina. Loomer has promoted the “great replacement theory,” made Islamophobic comments, and falsely accused Harris of wearing an earpiece during the recent debate.

While Trump has attempted to create some separation from Loomer following the backlash, he continues to speak highly of her in public. “I don’t control Laura. Laura – she’s a free spirit,” Trump said at a recent press conference.

Will Donald Trump be in a relationship with divisive Laura Loomer by the end of this year? has odds of 1.2/1 or 83.30% if you think this might happen!  

An Official Role in 2024?

It remains to be seen whether Loomer’s toxic reputation will outweigh her apparent personal connection to Trump. The former president is known for valuing loyalty and surrounding himself with controversial figures who appeal to his base.

By Election Day 2024, Trump may decide that Loomer is too much of a liability and limit her access and influence. However, if he remains convinced that her hardcore right-wing supporters are an asset to his campaign, their bond could strengthen further.

Some believe Loomer aspires to an official role in a potential second Trump administration. She could potentially secure a Trump administration position or run for office again with his blessing in 2024.

Romantic Speculation

While their ideologies clearly align, the nature of Trump and Loomer’s personal relationship is uncertain. They could simply have a political alliance and friendship. But there is also speculation about romantic interest, given the amount of time they’ve spent together lately. Loomer is single, while Trump’s wife Melania has maintained a low profile since leaving the White House.

More Scrutiny Ahead

Trump and Loomer’s association will almost certainly face additional scrutiny. If he continues embracing Loomer’s extremism, Trump risks further isolating himself from mainstream Republicans.

But for now, Loomer remains firmly in Trump’s inner circle. Unless other influential allies intervene, their partnership may very well culminate in an official relationship by the end of 2024.