
Will Hunter Biden Serve a Custodial Sentence in a US Jail or Prison by the End of 2024?

Will Hunter Biden Serve a Custodial Sentence in a US Jail or Prison by the End of 2024?

Hunter Biden has been convicted on three felony counts related to buying a handgun while he was addicted to crack cocaine. He faces up to 25 years in prison when sentenced on these charges in November 2024. Additionally, in December he will be sentenced on charges that he failed to pay taxes from 2016-2019, which carry up to 17 years in prison.

What Kind of Sentence is Hunter Biden Facing?

As a first-time offender, experts say Hunter is unlikely to receive anywhere near the maximum sentences. Prosecutors will calculate sentencing guidelines based on factors like addiction and paying back over $1 million in back taxes. But ultimately the judges have discretion. Defense lawyers will likely argue for probation or home confinement given Hunter’s recovery from addiction and lack of prior record. Some experts believe the judges may go harder on Hunter due to his high-profile case. Overall, experts expect relatively light punishment compared to decades behind bars.

What do the betting sites predict? With odds of 10/1 and a percentage chance of 10% listed at, it’s hard to say what Hunter Biden’s fate will turn out to be.

Why Did Hunter’s Plea Deal Fall Apart?

The July plea deal would have allowed Hunter to plead guilty to two misdemeanors and enter a pretrial program, avoiding prison. But prosecutors and defense disagreed over whether the deal protected Hunter from other potential charges like illegal foreign lobbying. The judge rejected the ambiguous plea agreement. Hunter’s concern was that he was under investigation for undisclosed foreign lobbying, though he was never charged.

How Has Hunter Taken Responsibility?

By pleading guilty to all charges without a deal, Hunter accepted full responsibility. He paid back taxes and penalties in 2021 with help from a friend. But the jury wouldn’t have known this if he went to trial. Hunter said he wasn’t thinking about taxes during addiction but took accountability by repaying the debt. Prosecutors opposed this defense, as it could discourage enforcing tax laws if repayment avoids charges.

Why Has Hunter’s Case Drawn Partisan Attacks?

As President Biden’s son, Hunter has been a frequent target of House Republicans investigating the Biden family’s business deals. But despite accusations, no evidence has directly implicated Joe Biden in his son’s affairs. An impeachment report accused the president of participating in Hunter’s alleged influence peddling but provided no direct proof. Hunter maintains his father was not involved in his business. Ultimately it was Biden’s own Justice Department that convicted Hunter after the collapsed plea deal, not Republican investigators. Joe Biden has pledged not to pardon his son for any convictions.

Does Hunter’s Celebrity Status Impact the Sentencing?

Legal experts say Hunter’s high profile should not impact the sentencing. He will likely argue his prominence is irrelevant and that he should be treated like any other defendant. The assumption is that the judges will not give him a harsher sentence simply because his father is president. Both defense and prosecution should argue that Hunter’s celebrity makes no difference in serving justice.

Will Hunter Biden Serve Hard Time or Avoid Jail?

Given expert predictions of lenient sentencing, Hunter may avoid extended jail time as a first offender who accepted responsibility. But the uncertainty around judging such a high-profile defendant leaves the possibility of tougher punishment on the table. Ultimately it will come down to how much the judges weigh factors like addiction, repayment of debt, deterrence of future crime, and Hunter’s unique public status as the president’s son.